Browse Technologies

Displaying 61 - 70 of 185

Targeting PD-1H to treat Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Despite the success of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) like anti-PD-1 in treating other cancers, these therapeutics have not been demonstrated to effectively treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Vanderbilt researchers have identified PD-1H as a potential target for treating AML, opening the door for effective therapy using an ICI molecule.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent



Tae Kon Kim

Targeted photodynamic therapy for S. aureus infections

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a combination photodynamic therapy (PDT) for targeting MRSA infections in skin that is not only effective but also HIGHLY SPECIFIC and LESS SUSCEPTIBLE TO RESISTANCE, adding a much needed therapy to our quickly depleting arsenal against this pathogen.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent


Targeted light-based therapy for acne

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a photodynamic therapy (PDT) for effectively and specifically treating acne, the most common skin condition.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent

Small Molecule

Genetically Modified Cell Line for Enhanced Viral Vector Manufacturing

Recent FDA approvals have spurred the demand for viral vector products,prompting the need for more efficient bioproduction methods. In this context,Vanderbilt researchers have engineered a new cell line with significantlyenhanced viral production capabilities compared to traditional cell lines. Thisinnovation is expected to lead to substantial cost savings in viral vectorproduction and improved viral products, two key advantages in the industry.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent


An Imaging Approach to Detect Parathyroid Gland Health During Endocrine Surgery

Vanderbilt researchers have designed a laser speckle imaging device to detect parathyroid gland viability during endocrine surgery, during which otherwise healthy parathyroid glands are prone to devascularization leading to long-term hypocalcemia. Currently, the surgeon must use his or her best judgement regarding the health of the parathyroid gland. This technology removes the guess work from the decision and provides a real-time assessment of the parathyroid viability.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal

Medical Devices

One-Step Hydrosilylation for Click Chemistry Compatible Surfaces

Vanderbilt inventors have developed a one-step hydrosilylation synthesis of azide surfaces for the preparation of click chemistry compatible substrates. In this process, an organic azide is formed in a single step on a hydrogen-terminated silicon support, yielding a surface that is ready to undergo click reactions as desired. Simple, efficient, and versatile, click chemistry is widely used and is particularly useful for biosensing applications. A click reaction can be utilized to attach a molecular or biological probe for point-of-care diagnostics and chemical screening.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan


Mechanism for Efficient Stiffness Modulation of Springs

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel variable stiffness spring mechanism that affords low energy cost stiffness adaptation. Essentially, the energy cost of changing the stiffness of the spring is rendered independent of the energy stored in the spring.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan


Miniature Magnetorheological Brake Technology

A team of Vanderbilt engineers have developed a miniature magnetorheological (MR) brake with a combination of high braking torque and a fast response time. With potential applicability over a wide spectrum of applications, the device was initially developed with robotic and haptic applications in mind.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


Real-Time Feedback for Positioning Electrode Arrays in Cochlear Implants

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a method ofmonitoring the placement of electrodes in cochlearimplants (CIs) through the use of electrical impedancemeasurements. This technology offers real-timefeedback on electrode positioning, which can beused to more accurately place electrodes duringinitial implantation, or better program the implantsafter they have been placed. These enhancementscombine to give increased hearing quality to bothnew and existing CI patients.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


Low-Frequency Strain Energy Harvester

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel energy-harvesting device capable of efficient electrochemical strain energy harvesting at frequencies as low as 0.01 Hz. The device enables the harvesting of energy produced from low frequencies associated with human motion such as walking and sitting.

Licensing Contact

Philip Swaney
