
Seven Vanderbilt technologies earn patent protection

Seven new Vanderbilt technologies earn patent protection in October.

9,803,758       Spool and body architectures for three-position directional control valves

Launch Tennessee announces programs for entrepreneurial researchers across the state

CTTC can help connect those interested in launch technology-based new ventures to programs provided by the state’s Launch TN – whose mission is to make Tennessee the best place in the Southeast to start and grow a business.  Launch TN’s resources for entrepreneurial researchers include a mentorship program, microgrants for SBIR/STTR grant-writing support, and an SBIR/STTR matching fund for young companies.  More information is available in the Launch TN Flyer or on

Vanderbilt licensee CN Bio Innovations announces research collaboration with AstraZeneca

Organ-on-a-Chip specialist CN Bio Innovations Limited announces a research collaboration with global biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to validate a new in vitro research tool that enables the high throughput evaluation of multi-drug dosing regimens.

CN Bio Innovations, a Vanderbilt licensee, and FDA sign collaborative agreement using Organ-on-Chip technologies

CN Bio Innovations Limited announces that it has entered into a Research Collaboration Agreement with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

CN Bio Innovations announces licence of platform microfluidics technologies from Vanderbilt University

CN Bio Innovations Limited announces that it has licensed from Vanderbilt University three patents and applications, and software, covering microfluidics technologies relevant to the company’s Organs-on-Chips products and IP portfolio.

The agreement includes exclusive rights to applications claiming priority from US 15/191,092, as well as non-exclusive rights to US 9,618,129 and applications claiming priority from US 13/877,925. 

Vanderbilt and Bayer collaborate to develop new therapies against kidney diseases

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and Bayer have agreed on a five-year strategic research alliance to evaluate new drug candidates for the treatment of kidney diseases, with the goal of accelerating the translation of innovative approaches from the laboratory to pre-clinical development.

Ten Vanderbilt technologies earn patent protection

Ten new Vanderbilt technologies earn patent protection in August.

9,747,490     Cell size imaging