Browse Technologies

Displaying 171 - 180 of 183


Procoder for Digital Video (ProcoderDV) was developed at the John F. Kennedy Center at Vanderbilt University to facilitate the collection of different forms of observational data from digital media files. Media files can be any files that contain events of interest on digital video or audio files. Data files can be of two general types: event files or transcription files. Files can be exported into MOOSES (Tapp & Wehby, 1995) format or SALT (Miller & Chapman, 1993) format or can be read directly by many popular statistical or spreadsheet programs. A code file can be used in conjunction with ProcoderDV to guide the coder inmarking events for later quantification and analysis.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal



Jon Tapp

OLINDA/EXM Radiation Dose Assessment Software Application

The OLINDA/EXM® personal computer code performs dose calculations and kinetic modeling for radiopharmaceuticals (OLINDA/EXM stands for Organ Level INternal Dose Assessment/EXponential Modeling). OLINDA® calculates radiation doses to different organs of the body from systemically administered radiopharmaceuticals and performs regression analysis on user-supplied biokinetic data to support such calculations for nuclear medicine drugs. These calculations are used to perform risk/benefit evaluations of the use of such pharmaceuticals in diagnostic and therapeutic applications in nuclear medicine. The technology employs a number of standard body models for adults, children, pregnant women and others, that are widely accepted and used in the internal dose community. The calculations are useful to pharmaceutical industry developers, nuclear medicine professionals, educators, regulators, researchers and others who study the accepted radiation doses that should be delivered when radioactive drugs are given to patients or research subjects.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


Monopropellant-Powered Actuator

This proportional actuator developed at Vanderbilt University is a superior source of controllable power for mobile robots. It utilizes monopropellant or hypergolic bipropellant fuel sources in a controlled manner for more efficient and effective untethered mobile robots performing human mechanical tasks over a prolonged period of time.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan


Stably-Transfected (HEK-293 cells) Human Serotonin Transporter (hSERT) Cell Line

HEK-293 cells stably-Transfected with Human Serotonin Transporter (hSERT)

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus



Randy Blakely
Research Tools
Cell Line

System for Determining the Orientation of a Bone Implanted Post

A method for determining an orientation of a base to which a fiducial marker is detachably mounted. The method includes the steps of determining the axis of symmetry for the fiducial marker and choosing the determined axis of symmetry of the fiducial marker as the axis of symmetry of the base.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Devices

Integrated Device for Leaching Extraction and Assessment

The invention is a device which permits the direct quantification of leachable organic constituents from within solid materials. It is expected that the device will be used in landfills and in other environments where measurements are central to the evaluation of the environmental compatibility of solid materials (e.g., sediments, soils, solidified waste forms) containing organic constituents that have the potential to degrade water resources of to be taken up by biota and the food chain. The invention is designed to simplify current difficulties in assessing leaching of organic constituents with low aqueous solubility.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris

Research Tools

Improved Piezoimmunosensor

An apparatus comprising one or more piezoelectric mass sensors for use in diagnostic and analytic processes, in particular for immunochemical detection of diagnostically relevant analytes in real time. Each piezoelectric mass sensor comprises a piezoelectric crystal with a receptor surface which has immobilized thereon a lawn of recombinant antibodies comprising single V.sub.H chain or single-chain Fv (scFv) polypeptides specific for a particular antigen. Binding of antigen to the recombinant antibodies results in a change in mass on the receptor surface which is detected as a change in resonant frequency. In a preferred embodiment, the receptor layer is a precious metal such as gold which facilitates self-assembly of the recombinant antibodies into a lawn on the receptor surface via a cysteine residue at the carboxy terminus of the attachment polypeptide.

Licensing Contact

Mike Villalobos


Heterologous Expression System for Studying Recombinant Human Brain Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel, SCN1A

Isolated nucleic acids encoding human SCN1A polypeptides, recombinantly expressed and isolated human SCN1A polypeptides, heterologous expression systems for recombinant expression of human SCN1A polypeptides, assay methods employing the same, and methods and compositions for modulation of sodium channel function.

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus

Research Tools
Nucleic Acid/Plasmid

EP4 Transgenic Mice

EP4 Transgenic Mice are part of the Vanderbilt Research Tools Catalog.

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus

Research Tools
Animal Model

Method for the Automatic Segmentation of the Facial Nerve and the Chorda Tympani in CT Images

This is a high resolution imaging device that can detect the fundamental functional units of cortical organization. Currently, with existing technology, we are able to monitor the activity of these units in the awake, head-fixed animal using large standard sized cameras mounted on heavy camera arms. However, we need a capability to conduct such monitoring in the awake and freely moving animal so that we can relate specific patterns of cortical activity to natural behaviors.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Imaging