Medical Devices

Displaying 1 - 10 of 55

Highly maneuverable radiation protection for interventional radiology

An interdisciplinary team of Vanderbilt doctors and engineers has designed a more user-friendly mounting system for radiation protection shields that maintains a high level of protection from hazardous scattered radiation without impeding the workflow of interventional radiologists.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent


Surgical Guide for Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel surgical guide for intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO) that helps to preserve the proximal segment medial pterygoid attachment and avoid injury to the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle during the procedure.

Licensing Contact

Philip Swaney

Medical Devices

An Imaging Approach to Detect Parathyroid Gland Health During Endocrine Surgery

Vanderbilt researchers have designed a laser speckle imaging device to detect parathyroid gland viability during endocrine surgery, during which otherwise healthy parathyroid glands are prone to devascularization leading to long-term hypocalcemia. Currently, the surgeon must use his or her best judgement regarding the health of the parathyroid gland. This technology removes the guess work from the decision and provides a real-time assessment of the parathyroid viability.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal

Medical Devices

IntelliCane: Instrumented cane for diagnosis and evaluation of gait behavior in individuals with mobility issues.

This device is designed to assist physical therapists in collection of objective data during gait analysis, to facilitate appropriate assistive gait device prescription, to provide patients and therapists feedback during gait training, and to reduce wrist and shoulder injuries with cane usage.Currently gait characteristics are "measured" in a clinic-based atmosphere. This has two limitations: (i) subjective allocation of "measures" of gait characteristics and (ii) limited data based on trials in the clinic ONLY. What this technology is designed to do is achieve freedom from both of these limitations. The measurements are objective and numerical values (force etc.) and the clinic could provide the cane to the user for obtaining a much more extensive data set including use during normal life activities at home etc.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal

Medical Devices

A Robotic System for Treating Intracranial Hemorrhage (ICH)

Vanderbilt researchers have designed a general purpose system for precise steering of multi-lumen needles. One significant application of the system is decompression of the cranium during hemorrhagic events (ICH).

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


Real-Time Feedback for Positioning Electrode Arrays in Cochlear Implants

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a method ofmonitoring the placement of electrodes in cochlearimplants (CIs) through the use of electrical impedancemeasurements. This technology offers real-timefeedback on electrode positioning, which can beused to more accurately place electrodes duringinitial implantation, or better program the implantsafter they have been placed. These enhancementscombine to give increased hearing quality to bothnew and existing CI patients.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


Endonasal Surgical Robot for Sinus and Neurosurgery

Vanderbilt engineers have developed a robotic system for performing sinus and neurosurgery through the nose. This provides a less invasive way to access surgical sites in the sinuses and near the middle of the patient's head, leading to faster recovery times. The robot is modular and sterilizable with detachable cartridge-based instruments. Each instrument is a concentric tube robot, which is a needle-sized tool that can bend and elongate. The system delivers four of these instruments through a single nostril.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


Trimodal Handheld Probe Based on Raman Spectroscopy and Confocal Imaging for Cancer Detection

This technology relates to a device and method for non-invasive evaluation of a target of interest of a living subject, and in particular to devices and methods that integrate confocal imaging with confocal Raman spectroscopy, for non-invasive evaluation of the biochemical compositions and morphological details of normal and cancerous skin lesions of a living subject.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


Transoral Lung Access Device

Transoral lung access is preferable to traditional needlebasedaccess due to the lower risk of lung collapse. However present bronchoscope-based devices enable access to only a small portion of the lung. The present device is a robotic image-guided bronchoscope to navigate the airway under closed-loop control to the target. IT is designed to provide transoral access to any location in the lung, particularly the hard-to-reach peripheral regions.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris

Medical Devices

Optical Stimulation of the Auditory Nerve

A cochlear implant placed in a cochlea of a living subject for stimulating the auditory system of the living subject, where the auditory system comprises auditory neurons. In one embodiment, the cochlear implant includes a plurality of light sources, {L.sub.i}, placeable distal to the cochlea, each light source, L.sub.1, being operable independently and adapted for generating an optical energy, E.sub.i, wherein i=1, . . . , N, and N is the number of the light sources, and delivering means placeable in the cochlea and optically coupled to the plurality of light sources, {L.sub.i}, such that in operation, the optical energies {E.sub.i} generated by the plurality of light sources {L.sub.i} are delivered to target sites, {G.sub.i}, of auditory neurons, respectively, wherein the target sites G.sub.1 and G.sub.N of auditory neurons are substantially proximate to the apical end and the basal end of the cochlea, respectively.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal

Medical Devices