
Three Vanderbilt technologies earn US patent protection in March

Vanderbilt University was awarded three U.S. patents for intellectual property (IP) during the month of March. The technologies include new pharmaceutical tool compounds from the Vanderbilt Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery; molecular intracellular transporters developed by a team of researchers from Chemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Immunology, and Biochemistry; and a powered prosthetic leg developed in the Vanderbilt Center for Intellgient Mechatronics.

6th Vanderbilt team selected for NSF I-Corps

This spring, a 6th Vanderbilt team will participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps program. Team INCA (Isotopomer Network Compartmental Analysis), comprised of lead inventor Jamey Young, PhD, recently promoted to associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, and entrepreneurial leads Lara Jazmin and Taylor Murphy, will join the Reston, Virginia cohort and spend six months learning how to translate academic research into a successful product or business.

Launch TN offers prime learning opportunity for students

Launch Tennessee is currently looking for its next class of students to participate in the Blackstone Specialist Program. Now in its second year, this program aims to immerse students in Tennessee's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Students will be selected to work at one of five accelerator programs in the state. In addition to exposure to the state's leading innovators and entrepreneurs, the students will have the opportunity to learn from the accelerators' master mentors. They will also receive a stipend. 

Flash Pitch '15 now accepting ideas!

We're looking for innovative students who want to make their ideas reality! Flash Pitch '15, the second annual competition for entrepreneurial students, opened today. Now through midnight, Friday, March 27, Vanderbilt students can submit an online application. And all you have to do is tell us your idea.

Application Closed

Vanderbilt licensing officer named Volunteer of the Year

Hassan Naqvi, Ph.D., licensing officer for CTTC (pictured to the right, courtesy of AUTM), was recently awarded the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Volunteer Service Award as well as the Volunteer of the Year Award for 2015.

Aspirnaut™ takes STEM learning to rural areas, opens doors for impoverished students

“I like seeing results. I like knowing that what I am doing is going to have some kind of bearing on the world,” Cody Stothers, Vanderbilt Class of 2014, told VUCast as he prepared to graduate. “It’s going from this mundane, high school setting where science is just some text book and some test, into the real world where science is the cutting edge. It’s the future.”

Cody and fellow Vanderbilt student Domonique Bragg went through Aspirnaut™ the summer before they entered Vanderbilt. The spent eight weeks embedded in Vanderbilt research labs working on various projects.

Three Vanderbilt technologies earn US patent protection in January

Two Vanderbilt technologies, and one technology developed out of a collaboration between Vanderbilt University and Oregon Health and Science University, earned patent protection in January. The range from monoclonal antibodies to preservation methods for insulin-producing cells. Learn more below.