Jackie Shrago

Jackie Shrago's career spans 30 years in technology-based executive management positions. These include two start-up companies that became multi-million entrepreneurial enterprises - ThinkLink Learning in education acquired by Discovery Channel in 2006 and Telco Research in telecommunications acquired in 1986 by NYNEX (now Verizon). Her current activities are centered around volunteer activities that make a difference in our community, state and nation. Most recently she has been involved at Martha O'Bryan to get Internet access into several housing projects within Nashville and working across the state to implement the Affordable Care Act through Get Covered Tennessee.

Jackie's career also includes commercializing ground-breaking research conducted at Vanderbilt's Peabody College, including a portion of time with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools. With 20 years of experience in education, ThinkLink Learning designed a new state-specific approach to formative assessment until its acquisition. She continued to expand the scope of products and nationwide distribution with an emphasis on assessment with proven strategies for improving instruction and education student outcomes.

Other education projects Jackie spearheaded include: implementation of the ConnecTEN project, making Tennessee the first state to provide Internet in all of its K-12th grade schools; assuring the effective use of the technology, she was responsible for the design of web-based professional development tools used by 20,000 teachers in 1998. These education projects received recognition from the National Information Infrastructure and Smithsonian Computer World Awards.

A former teacher, Jackie has served in education technology advisory capacities to the National Governor's Association. Council of Chief State School Officers, and CEO Forum. Her education includes an MBA and BS from Vanderbilt University and Peabody College.

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Community Volunteer