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Search results

  1. Applications now open for ASPIRE postdoctoral research fellowship to support path to entrepreneurship

    ... property of Vanderbilt University. Fellows will work full-time to develop a commercialization strategy on a particular technology while ... Sciences (or VUMC postdocs) Available to start in full-time postdoctoral position on July 1, 2024 Ideal candidates will: ... will be notified in the end of April 2024 Start Date:  July 1, 2024 Questions should be directed to:  ...

    sommers - 02/07/2024 - 10:47am

  2. Faculty can quickly and easily share their innovative ideas using CTTC’s new online tool

    ... inception. With this new tool, busy faculty with limited time can quickly and easily share a new idea or possible invention with the ... require a full disclosure to funding sources or that require time-sensitive patenting. The short, simple form requires only the ...

    sommers - 02/15/2024 - 1:35pm

  3. Eight Vanderbilt technologies earn patent protection in December

    ... Magnetic Particle Imaging Using an Ultrasonic Driving Field  Charles Caskey  William Grissom 11,841,413 ...

    sommers - 01/17/2024 - 10:45am

  4. Potential schizophrenia treatment, discovered at Vanderbilt and being developed by Neumora Therapeutics, entering Phase 1 clinical trial

    ... of translational research and the work we aim to do every day, which is applying innovation and discovery to help address the world’s ...

    sommers - 01/17/2024 - 10:08am

  5. Announcing the creation of the Greater Nashville Venture Capital Association

    ... to interact and learn from practitioners in the field.  The GNVCA will provide a variety of educational events for Vanderbilt ...

    cttc_admin - 01/03/2024 - 2:44pm

  6. Head Motion Correction with Soft Pressure Pad for MRI Scans

    ... Motion impacts diagnostic image quality, costing both time and money in the clinical setting. In research, motion artifacts can ... allows sequence-agnostic tracking of head motions in 6 degrees freedom to enhance image and data quality. Competitive ...

    cttc_admin - 09/24/2024 - 12:46pm

  7. Five Vanderbilt technologies earn patent protection in November

    ... and Manipulation of Nanoparticles with Light and Electric Field Justus Ndukaife ...

    sommers - 11/30/2023 - 11:40am

  8. Sanofi North America iDEA-iTech Awards - Call for Pre-Proposals

    ... about the call for projects, please email Swapneeta Date at  //--> ...

    sommers - 11/27/2023 - 1:08pm

  9. Quantitative rapid diagnostic platform using porous silicon on paper

    ... silicon membrane, dramatically reducing testing times. 4. Versatility: This platform can be adapted to measure a wide range of ... Diagnostics Field of Use: Infectious Disease ...

    cttc_admin - 09/19/2024 - 10:53am

  10. Twelve at Vanderbilt are among world’s highly cited researchers

    ... world whose publications rank in the top 1% by citations for field of research and publication year in the Web of Science citation index ...

    sommers - 11/20/2023 - 8:59am