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Your search used too many AND/OR expressions. Only the first 7 terms were included in this search.

Search results

  1. Robot-guided video game gets older adults out of comfort zone, learning and working together

    ... comfort zone, learning and working together 04/05/2019 Two residents of Elmcroft Senior Living sat ... back to play the game, gradually increasing the amount of time they wanted to spend with it. Larger study ahead Based on those ...

    sommers - 04/05/2019 - 10:42am

  2. Novel, ‘multiplexed’ diagnosis may better identify candidates for cancer immunotherapy

    08/28/2018 A Vanderbilt engineering researcher has shown that ... that both biomarkers can be detected with SERS in real time  in vivo  in living tumors tagged with gold nanostars. Further, the ...

    sommers - 02/21/2019 - 9:51am

  3. Automated Inflatable Binder to Counter the Effects of Orthostatic Hypotension

    ... Updated:  Tuesday, January 23, 2018 - 8:07am Category: Medical Devices Field of Use: Cardiovascular ...

    cttc_admin - 06/11/2019 - 3:04pm

  4. Team VenoStent headed to Austin for NSF Innovation Corps

    ... shape memory properties at body temperature. “At the time of the surgery, you can manipulate the material to cover the critical ...

    cttc_admin - 10/02/2015 - 10:45am

  5. New low-profile ankle exoskeleton fits under clothes for potential broad adoption

    ... such as postal and warehouse workers, and soldiers in the field,” Zelik said. Joshua Tacca, BE’18, also is a co-author. He is now ...

    sommers - 03/28/2019 - 3:37pm

  6. Local Magnetic Actuation for Obese And Pediatric Patients

    ... Robotics Field of Use: Gastrointestinal ...

    cttc_admin - 06/11/2019 - 3:04pm

  7. Investigators map genomic landscape of very rare cancer

    03/04/2019 A team of Vanderbilt researchers mapped out the ... rare cancer that originates from a hair shaft. By that time, the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes and neck. The woman underwent ...

    sommers - 03/04/2019 - 8:47am

  8. Breast Cancer Innovations: The power of information

    ... and researchers have fast and easy access to an up-to-date personalized cancer medicine resource. What makes My Cancer Genome ... New knowledge is added as it is discovered by experts in the field around the world. It focuses on actionable, targeted and precise decision ...

    cttc_admin - 02/21/2019 - 9:51am

  9. Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery & Engineering (ViSE) promotes collaboration

    04/08/2014 In the Fall of 2011, a team of engineers and surgeons ... Medicine and the School of Engineering, as well as five full time staff members and 29 post docs and graduate students. It is led by a ...

    cttc_admin - 10/02/2015 - 10:43am

  10. Quantum mechanics work lets oil industry know promise of recovery experiments before they start

    10/02/2018 With their current approach, energy companies can ... combining molecular simulations and experimentation in the field of enhanced oil recovery to allow for more concrete conclusions on the ...

    sommers - 02/21/2019 - 9:51am