Esra Roan Ei2 Seminar “Non-linear career paths: It is OK to change your mind”

Friday, April 22, 2022 - 2:00pm


"Non-linear career paths: It is OK to change your mind"


So much pressure is placed on us as we pick our degree in college and decide what we are meant to do for life. And then, many of us graduate to find ourselves standing in front of a hill to be climbed as fast as we can, whether in corporate or academic environments. My personal experience has been a windy road, exploring opportunities in academia, industry, and as an entrepreneur. I am enthusiastic about sharing my story to provide evidence that indeed careers need not be linear while encouraging rethinking and taking action earlier.


Esra Roan, PH.D

Co-Founder, CEO

Esra is the co-founder of SOMAVAC® Medical Solutions. Prior to her role with SOMAVAC®, she was an Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Memphis. Esra’s more than 15 years of experience in product development and biomedical research gives her the tools to enhance the lives of patients with products that make a difference. Her education is in Mechanical Engineering (TTU and U of Cincinnati).

This lecture takes place virtually on Friday, April 22, 2022, at 2:00 pm via Zoom.