Browse Technologies

Displaying 51 - 60 of 65

Automated Inflatable Binder to Counter the Effects of Orthostatic Hypotension

Vanderbilt scientists have developed an automated inflatable abdominal binder that can detect when a patient moves from a prone or sitting positon to a standing position and automatically apply a sustained servo-controlled compression pressure in order to counter the effects of OH. The binder is as effective as conventional drug therapy in controlling OH, without subjecting patients to potentially harmful side effects and interactions with other medications.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Devices

Real-time Detection of Position and Orientation of Wireless Endoscopy Capsule using Magnetic coupling

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a new system to detect the position, orientation, and pressure exerted on surrounding tissues of a wireless capsule endoscopy device.  Magnetic coupling is one of the few physical phenomena capable of transmitting actuation forces across a physical barrier.  Magnetic manipulation has the potential to make surgery less invasive, by allowing untethered miniature devices to enter the body through natural orifices or tiny incisions, and then maneuver with minimal disruption to healthy tissue.  In order to accomplish this goal, the pose (position and orientation) of the medical device must be available in real time.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


Wireless Tissue Palpation for Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Techniques

Researchers in Vanderbilt University's STORM Lab have developed a wireless palpation device that uses magnetic coupling between two units to provide valuable feedback about tissue properties and potential abnormalities. The wireless capabilities of this technology make it ideally suited for minimally invasive surgery and natural orifice procedures, as the device does not require the use of a surgical port.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


Intuitive, Magnetic, Robotic Platform for Minimally-Invasive Surgery

Inventors at Vanderbilt University have developed a robotic platform capable of guaranteeing a degree of agility, mechanical stability, power, reliability, comparable to a standard robotic platform for laparoscopic surgery, but characterized by a much lower invasiveness.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


'Coffee Ring' Diagnostic for Point-of-Care Biomarker Detection

Bright minds at Vanderbilt University have unveiled a breakthrough technology that could bring sophisticated biomarker diagnostics to the developing world. The point-of-care diagnostic is designed to be used in the field; no specialized equipment, expertise, or white lab coats are required. The diagnostic is based upon the ingenous observation that evaporating liquid droplets leave behind a characteristic ring pattern, which may be familiar to our readers in the form of a coffee-ring stain.

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus


Catheter Having Temperature Controlled Anchor and Related Methods

Heart valve disease is the 3rd most prevalent source of cardiovascular disease, leading to approximately 20,000 deaths per year in the U.S. alone. Moreover, there are an estimated 41,000 mitral valve procedures performed in the U.S. each year. The only effective, long-term treatment for mitral valve disease is open-chest valve replacement surgery, which is highly undesirable for elderly patients. Thus, there is a pressing need to develop novel percutaneous strategies for treatment that will reduce the number of open-chest surgeries. David Merryman and colleagues have developed a new, combined catheter that uses cryo temperatures to adhere to moving mitral valve leaflets and radiofrequency ablation to alter the compliance of the leaflet tissue to prevent prolapse and regurgitation.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Devices

Porous Silicon Membrane Waveguide Biosensor

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a low-cost, high sensitivity sensor based on a porous silicon (PSi) membrane waveguide. This sensor is designed to be a cost-effective alternative to conventional fiber optic and SPR sensors for both biosensing and chemical sensing applications.

Licensing Contact

Yiorgos Kostoulas


Rapidly Adjustable Flexible Positioning Arm for Ultrasound Probe -Clinician's Third Hand

A Vanderbilt team led by anesthesiologist Dr. Rajnish Gupta has developed a rapidly adjustable flexible positioning arm that can precisely position the ultrasound probe in such a way that it can be adjusted and fine-tuned with the flip of a switch. Upon fixing the probe in position, both of the clinician's hands are free to perform ultrasound guided procedures without the need for a second person to hold the probe.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Devices

Aliquot Delivery System

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel device for accurately delivering a small aliquot of liquid pharmaceutical agent to a treatment site. This system enables more precise dosage and eliminates expensive waste found in conventional methods.

Licensing Contact

Philip Swaney

Medical Devices

Trimodal Handheld Probe Based on Raman Spectroscopy and Confocal Imaging for Cancer Detection

This technology relates to a device and method for non-invasive evaluation of a target of interest of a living subject, and in particular to devices and methods that integrate confocal imaging with confocal Raman spectroscopy, for non-invasive evaluation of the biochemical compositions and morphological details of normal and cancerous skin lesions of a living subject.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal
