Zero-waste, pre-portioned sunscreen capsule

Although sunscreen effectively mitigates the incidence of skin cancer, most people do not apply enough for adequate protection. Vanderbilt has developed an innovative sunscreen delivery system that promotes the proper usage of sunscreen while also using zero-waste packaging.

Addressed Need
Most people apply less than 50% of the sunscreen necessary for adequate UV protection, resulting in burns and other skin damage and an increased risk of skin cancer later in life. Current labeling trends recommending proper sunscreen usage have not proven effective in addressing these issues, necessitating alternative approaches to ensure proper usage. Meanwhile, most sunscreen products used today are packaged in single-use plastic and metal containers that end up in landfills, beaches, and oceans at the end of their life – an issue that would only be exacerbated by users applying the appropriate amount of sunscreen. A pre-proportioned volume of sunscreen packaged in a zero-waste container would address both issues. 

Technology Description
This technology provides a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional sunscreen packaging. Instead of dispensing from a plastic or metal container, users crush a capsule in their hands to release the sunscreen for application. Like a Tide Pod, each capsule is portioned to cover a set amount of skin, ensuring users will apply an adequate amount of sunscreen. The capsule is made of natural materials instead of plastic and fully incorporates into the lotion as it is crushed, thereby avoiding the contribution of harmful microplastics to the environment.

Competitive Advantages
This invention addresses both health and environmental concerns:

  1. Pre-allocated sunscreen portions ensure users will be adequately protected against UV rays.
  2. Zero waste from the dissolvable capsule.
  3. By increasing the amount of sunscreen applied, the pre-portioned sunscreen will be consumed faster, allowing for higher product turnover.

This unique capsule design could be used in applications with other cosmetic products as well.

Intellectual Property Status
Patents: Patent application has been filed.

Stage of Development: The technology has been tested for mechanical, chemical, and antimicrobial properties. We are seeking commercial partners to further develop it for commercial applications.


Top: Standard sunscreen products result in inadequate coverage and packaging waste. Bottom: The dissolvable capsule developed by Vanderbilt students provides the proper amount of sunscreen with zero waste. 

Licensing Contact

Carlos Detres Roman

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